Our Wednesday night ministries start again on August 30:
ABCKids is a program designed for 1st-6th graders. We start with music and singing around 6:50 PM. They have opening exercises, a Bible lesson, group time where kids connect with each other and their group leaders, Bible memory, fun games, snacks, and prizes.
If your child enjoys Vacation Bible School in the summer, you can think of this ministry as a once a week VBS!
ABCKadets is designed for preschool and Kindergarten age children. They have opening exercises, class time, and memory work appropriate to their age. Plus snacks, games, and prizes just for them.
ABCKrew is for kids in 7th grade and up. ABCKrew meets with ABCKids for singing and announcements before heading to their own age appropriate class time.
Each kid who attends will receive a t-shirt. There is no cost for these programs or the t-shirt: these are provided as our church’s gift to our community.
Our program loosely follows the Three Rivers School District schedule, so if Three Rivers is out of school, we’re usually out too.
Special events to look forward to: Harvest Party (in October) and a special Christmas Program (December 13). ABCKids will take a two week break in December and start back in January.
If you have questions about this ministry or your child needs a ride, please let the church know via email or phone call.